About our research and development in injection molding
Medway Plastics Corp has been active in Research and Development for the past 17 years. We have a host of equipment dedicated to product and process development, material science in thermoplastic resins and tooling.

We work with small companies as well as large multi-national companies. Since 1997, under contract development and in-house projects, we have generated more than 40 U.S. patents. We validate inventions and assist companies in the “proof of concept”, produce market testing sample quantities and assist in the commercialization of new products. In addition, we assist companies in patenting their inventions.
General Capabilities
We have 5 multi-material injection molding machines with rotary platens and one standard injection molding machine in the lab.
There are two stretch blow molding machines, Sidel and Tetraplast along with several prototype PET preform injection molds for packaging development.
We are also well equipped in terms of both commercial hard-ware and know-how in coating development and applications to suit your needs.
We have various testing equipment, batch drying and compound extrusion.

All this take us to our best solution for you, the custom plastic injection molding. Know everything we can do!